Thursday, May 13, 2021




1. Which one of the following reflect exclusive right to do or authorize others to do acts in relation to literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works.

[A] Patents 
[B] Trademark 
[C] Copyrights 
[D] Design

2. Trademark law is based mainly on two concepts: distinctiveness and similarity.

[A] Social 
[B] Deceptive 
[C] Design 
[D] Work

3. _____ means to assess the strength and weaknesses of competing products or services.

[A] Market Niche 
[B] Competitive Analysis
[C] Market Segmenting 
[D] Marketing Strategy

4. In _______ segment of the plan, the entrepreneur must convince investors that a market exists.

[A] Sales Segment 
[B] Advertising Segment
[C] Pricing Policy 
[D] Marketing Segment

5. Which alternative can be considered as one‘s exclusive property rights that can be sold, transferred, willed, licensed or used as collateral much likely other assets?

[A] Patents 
[B] Copy right 
[C] Trademarks 
[D] Geographical indication

6. The full form of TRIPS is __________

[A] Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
[B] Transaction Related Intellectual Property Rights
[C] Trade Related Intelligent People Right
[D] Transaction Related Intelligent People Right

7. Which of the following alternative can be called a written document that details the proposed venture?

[A] Business plan 
[B] Investment Prospects
[C] Loan proposal 
[D] All of these

8. What from the below-given items can be patented?

[A] Processes 
[B] Machines 
[c] Manufacturers 
[d] All of these

9. Which one of the following protects original works of ownership and gives an exclusive right to do or authorize others to do certain acts in relation to literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works cinematography and sound recordings?

[A] Trademarks 
[B] Geographical Indication
[C] Copy rights 
[D] Patents

10. A ___ mark is used to suggest certain features, qualities or ingredients of a product or service.

[A] Coined 
[B] Suggestive 
[C] arbitrary 
[D] descriptive

11. Who has given threefold division of entrepreneur function as capitalists, managerial and decision making?

[A] J S Mill 
[B] Redlich 
[C] Frank Young 
[D] Flavia Derossi

12. ______ is a person who focuses on innovation and creativity and who transforms a dream or idea into a profitable venture by operating within the organization environment.

[A] Intrapreneur 
[B] Entrepreneur 
[C] Manager 
[D] Contrapreneur

13. Match 'X‘ with 'Y‘.



I Economists view

(i) Entrepreneur as a change agent and innovative 

 response to society

II Sociologists view

(ii) Entrepreneurs directed towards the materialistic objective of maximization

III Psychologists view

(iii) Entrepreneur is a role performer corresponding to the role expected by Society

[A] (I - ii) (II - iii) (III - i)
[B] (I - i) (II - ii) (III - iii)
[C] (I - iii) (II - i) (III - ii)
[D] (I - iii) (II - ii) (III - i)

14. The status of an entrepreneur is of_____ while of manager is _____

[A] Servant- Owner 
[B] Employee - Employer
[C] Employee - Servant 
[D] Owner - Servant

15. Which one of the following is not the characteristic of an entrepreneur?

[A] External locus of control 
[B] Seeking feedback
[C] Tolerance for ambiguity 
[D] Opportunity orientation

16 Which one of the following is the role of an entrepreneur in economic development?

[A] Promotes imbalanced regional development 
[B] Promotes capital formation
[C] Increase the concentration of economic power 
[D] Increase unemployment problem

17. As change agents the entrepreneurs give an innovative response to society is more appropriately related to view of entrepreneurship.

[A] Psychologists' 
[B] Sociologists‘ 
[C] Economists‘ 
[D] None of these

18. Match 'A‘ with 'B‘.



I Idea germination

(i) recognition of idea as being feasible

II Preparation

(ii) the seeding stage of a new idea

III Incubation

(iii) conscious search for knowledge

IV Illumination

(iv) subconscious assimilation of information

[A] (I - i) (II - ii) (III - iii) (IV - iv)
[B] (I - iv) (II - iii) (III - ii) (IV - i)
[C] (I - ii) (II - iii) (III - iv) (IV - i)
[D] (I - iii) (III - ii) (III - i) (IV - iv)

19. Which statement is FALSE statement for an entrepreneur?

[A] A person who brings overall change through innovation 
[B] Concentrates less on Research and Development
[C] A firm believer in social betterment.
[D] Carries out his responsibility with conviction

20. Which one of the following is an intrinsic quality of an entrepreneur?

[A] Networking 
[B] Presence
[C] Urge 
[D] Strategic thinking

21. The conscious search for answers can relate to _____ stage of the creative process.

[A] Idea Germination 
[B] Preparation
[C] Incubation 
[D] Verification

22. _____ segment provides investors with a timetable for the various activities to be Accomplished.

[A] Milestone Schedule 
[B] Harvest Strategy
[C] Critical risk 
[D] Divesting Strategy

23. Which of the following are most appropriate to the term Manager?

[A] he is an employee 
[B] gets salary as a reward for the service
[C] he executes the plans in the enterprise 
[D] All of these

24. Which Stage of the creative process involves putting the idea on the back burner, allowing the subconscious mind to assimilate information?

[A] Idea Germination 
[B] Preparation
[C] Incubation 
[D] Verification

25. The entrepreneur has been viewed as an independent and highly self-reliant innovator and actively first to start the enterprise, reflect ____ characteristics of the entrepreneur.

[A] Seeking feedback 
[B] Internal locus of control
[C] Initiative and Responsibility 
[D] Opportunity orientation

26. ______ discusses the functions of an entrepreneur in a developing economy in the context of the economic, legal, political and cultural environment.

[A] B C Tandon 
[B] Joseph Schumpeter
[C] J B Say 
[D] None of the above

27. ________ economists who have listed three entrepreneurial functions viz., superintendence, control, and direction?

[A] J. S. Mill 
[B] Kirzene 
[C] B. F. Hoselitz 
[D] Harbinson

28. The _______ view entrepreneurship as a vigorous application of the person‘s energies towards the long-cherished goals.

[A] Sociologist 
[B] Economist 
[C] Psychologist 
[D] None of these

29. Who is called as _________, who is the owner of the enterprise?

[A] Intrapreneur 
[B] Entrepreneur 
[C] Manager 
[D] A and B

30. Which one of the following alternatives are the functions of entrepreneurs?

[A] Innovation 
[B] Research 
[C] Assumption of risk 
[D] All of these

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1 comment:

  1. "Waste not, want not."̢۬"Don't waste your breath."̢۬"What a waste of time/space/energy." go here
